Threats and problems of the wetland

Threats and problems of the wetland

Despite the great importance and value of wetland ecosystems, the life of these ecosystems are always threatened and endangered by numerous factors. Almost all the problems and threats of facing the wetlands are due to human activities in the margin of wetland or in its drainage basin area.

  • Lack of integrated management of the wetland
  • Methods and amount of exploitation of wetland resources
  • Not knowing the true values of the wetland
  • Water and soil pollution
  • Climate issues
  • Biodiversity threats
  • Reduction or extinction of plant and animal diversity
  • Drought
  • Exploitation of sand from the riverbed
  • Drying of Lake Urmia and release of salt
  • Insecurity in the area due to presence of predators
  • Violating the area of the wetland and its destruction
  • Lack of agreed management plan for the wetland
  • Uncontrolled exploitation of upstream surface and ground water
  • Changing the use of lands of the wetland
  • Unsustainable agriculture
  • Destruction of the wetland and its resources due to lack of coordination between the relevant institutions
  • Degradation of wetland quality due to increased discharge of pollution into the wetland
  • Uncertainty of the borders and lack of wetland zoning management
  • Construction of aquaculture site without conducting the required environmental assessment studies
  • Cutting the turmeric trees
  • Overfishing
  • Removing the birds’ eggs