Tour Guide

The wetland’s tourism guide

Qare Qeshlaq Wetland is an international wetland in East Azerbaijan province, located 13 km from Bonab County. Qare Qeshlaq wetland is the largest wetland at the border of the two provinces of East and West Azerbaijan hosting many animal species. The beauty of Qare Qeshlaq wetland is so spellbinding that it is called the bride of wetlands in northwestern Iran. Qare Qeshlaq wetland has an area of more than 40,000 hectares and houses 153 different species of birds. In winter, many birds migrate to this wetland, watching them inspires the viewers and induces a sense of vitality and freshness.

When is the best time to visit the wetland?

Qara Qeshlagh wetland is attractive for two groups of visitors.
The first group are ordinary people who enjoy from the shores of the wetland for leisure and family visits. For this group, the best season is spring, when the natural beauties of the wetland are at their perfection.
The second group involves researchers and birdwatchers. The best time of visit for this group is the second half of year (late September to late March). At this time of year, besides the native birds living in the wetland, thousands of migratory birds travelling from the cold north to the south stay and rest in the wetland for a few days. This time varies depending on the weather of each year; however, the exciting presence of migratory birds usually in the late October attracts the enthusiasts. The same procedure is repeated when these birds return in late March. It should be noted that areas suitable for watching birds are located in the depths of the wetland, which is not suitable for traveling with family and must be carried out with the help of guides and professional equipment. Otherwise, it is highly possible to get lost in the vast Qare Qeshlaq wetland.

One-Day Trip to Qare Qeshlaq Wetland

In a one-day program, you can spend about 4 hours to visit the wetland and its surrounding. This time will be spent visiting the wetland and its landscapes, bird watching, eating and spending time in the surrounding villages. Note that as the wetland and its surrounding is protected area, there are currently no suitable facilities for tourists and nature lovers. Hence, make sure to have suitable facilities for tourism when visiting this place. If you are travelling to the wetland on a spring day, you can have a visit to Bonab county and its historical and scenic places by organizing a little more coherent planning. This county involves 25 works registered in Iran National Heritage List, visiting them will create a good memory for you

Overnight stay program in the area

No facilities have been established in the protected area of Qare Qeshlaq Wetland. Therefore, if you are planning to set up a camp and stay in the area at night, you will need to have complete equipment. You can also find some places for accommodation, overnight stay and preparing the required foods, albeit with prior planning and coordination. You can also settle in Laleh Hotel in Bonab County, which is a hotel with relatively good accommodation facilities.

Access Routes to Qare Qeshlaq Wetland

Talking into account the size of Qare Qeshlaq wetland and the drying up of Lake Urmia, many routes have been created by locals to reach the wetland nowadays. Almost in all the villages around the wetland, there are signs with “Towards the Wetland”.
This wetland does not have an asphalt road. In times of flooding, the wetland is accessible only through dirt roads from Qare Qeshlaq, Ahmadabad, Aghdash and Fesenduz Villages. It is better to take these routes with locals and guides and do not deviate from the route as there is a possibility of getting stuck and getting lost in the wetland.

Local informed people

Local informed people There are 9 villages around Qare Qeshlaq wetland that with warm-hearted and hospitable people can be good guides for you on your echo tour to Qare Qeshlaq.
Local person or group: Sabzandishan Bonab Environmental Services Cooperative Company (Younes Fazlali)
Services: Introduction of the region, introduction of local species, tourist guide, local food, rural accommodation
Phone: +989197035469

Mr. Qader Zarrin Kolah Services: Tourist guide, local car, horseback riding on the edge of the wetland, local food and accommodation in local houses
Phone: +989149226036